Project Details
Client | Lincoln College |
Duration | 10 Weeks |
Type of Work | Refurbishment |
Contract Type | Commercial |
Value | £427,000 |
Lincoln College’s Sessions House underwent a comprehensive refurbishment of the kitchen strip, fit-out and refurbishment works, general decoration, mechanical and electrical works, and minor demolition works. The refurbishment project aimed to provide the college with state-of-the-art facilities to train its students to become highly skilled and industry-ready professionals in the hospitality industry. The project’s success was reflected in the client’s feedback, which praised the professionalism and tenacity demonstrated by the project team, headed by Steve Paton, the Site Manager.
The project’s primary objective was to create a conducive learning environment for students pursuing culinary arts, mixology, and barista courses. The refurbishment project comprised three main areas: production kitchen, barista area, and mixology laboratory. The production kitchen featured ergonomically designed food production areas, walk-in fridges and freezers, and a Charvet Chefs Suite, a state-of-the-art cooking suite used in top London restaurants, including Gordon Ramsey’s restaurants. The barista area had a dedicated coffee bar where students could train on the latest single group head Italian espresso machines and grinders. The mixology laboratory featured PortaBar individualised workstations where mixology students could take bespoke courses that did not impact the restaurant or barista training areas.
The client was impressed with the project’s outcome and highlighted how it would enable the college to offer bespoke upskilling, retraining, and new courses to reflect the demands of the ever-changing hospitality industry. The client appreciated how the refurbished facilities would help the college re-skill, up-skill, and provide new skills for the hospitality industry in Lincoln. The project’s success aligned with the college’s mission of educating, enriching, empowering, and ultimately producing highly skilled industry-ready employees.
The refurbishment project will have a significant impact on the hospitality industry in Lincoln and beyond. The college could run the courses companies needed to reskill and upskill their workforce, design their curriculum to reflect the industry’s requirements, and offer courses outside of normal timetabled hours. The college’s facilities could be mobilised during non-term time, evenings, and weekends, making them available to all, including the community and commercial enterprises. The college could also offer short courses for career bartenders, mixologists, baristas, and Maître D’s of the future, appealing to employers and their employees.
The refurbishment project at Lincoln College’s Sessions House was a resounding success. It provided the college with state-of-the-art facilities that would enable it to train students to become highly skilled and industry-ready professionals in the hospitality industry. The project’s success aligned with the college’s mission of educating, enriching, empowering, and ultimately producing highly skilled industry-ready employees. The project also had a significant impact on the hospitality industry in Lincoln and beyond, providing bespoke upskilling, retraining, and new courses to reflect the industry’s demands. The refurbishment project helped put the heart back into the hospitality industry and made it more robust for all stakeholders.