Project Details
Client | Mouchel |
Duration | 36 Weeks |
Contract Type | JCT |
Value | £926,000 |
The Team
Contracts Manager | Shaun Cass |
Surveyor | James Flintham |
The project comprised of several elements of work including construction of a new two storey extension to the south elevation. In addition the existing staffroom was remodelled and enlarged by breaking through to the adjacent accommodation.
The new build is of masonry construction with steel frame elements and a rain screen façade. The roof has a Decra finish to match the existing. This work included all associated electrical, mechanical and drainage adaptations.
Mrs Hodson (Head Teacher of Coningsby ST Michael’s CE Primary School) commented:
A big thank-you to the Gelder Group for their hard work.
Shaun Cass (Contract Manager) commented:
It’s great to get recognised for all the hard work the Gelder team put into this project to ensure it finished on time. The School have been fantastic to work with.