Rare bird spotted in the Environmental Park

December 14, 2022  11:28 am

Our environmental officer Simon Blaydes spotted a Bittern which flew by him and landed on the reed bed.  The bittern is a thickset heron with all-over bright, pale, buffy-brown plumage covered with dark streaks and bars, it’s one of the rarest breeding birds in the UK and is a Red List species. A secretive bird, very difficult to see, as it moves silently through reeds at water’s edge, looking for fish. Unfortunately Simon wasn’t able to take a photograph of the bird, but Wild in the Woods who are resident in the environmental park are keenly watching the reed beds in the hope to see one again.


One comment

  1. Ross says:

    A fabulous sighting, Simon. That is a real feather in your cap for the Environmental Park. The stuff dreams are made of!

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