News related to: Length Of Service

Lichfield Office Celebrate 45 Years of Service

Gelder Group is proud to announce a significant milestone as the Lichfield office celebrates its fifth anniversary. Staff members who have been with the office since its inception received their five-year length of service awards. This event not only marks the dedication and hard work of the team but also the sustained growth and success […]

Barlborough Office Celebrates 75 years of Service

At Gelder Group, recognising the dedication and commitment of our staff is paramount. As we present length of service awards to our valued team in our Barlborough office, we celebrate not just their years of service but also their unwavering contribution to our company’s success. On presenting the awards CEO Steve Gelder said: Our employees […]

Gelder Group Celebrate 290 years of Service with Staff

This year Gelder Group celebrated 35 years in business and two members of staff who have been with the company since the beginning, Dave Wells and Carl Wilkinson received certificates and awards for reaching their 35 year service. The total years service across the company celebrating a staggering 290 years! Commenting on the awards Steve […]

Gelder Group celebrate over 300 years of Service

It’s great to end the year on a positive note and this year is no exception, the staff pictured have a combined working service record of over 300 years working at Gelder Group and while we couldn’t celebrate this in the normal way, with a presentation of their achievements from the CEO we managed to […]

Long service awards celebrates 205 years

Presentations to 19 staff for a combined 205 years service took place on Thursday 28th September 2017. All staff are recognised for milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20 & 25 years service, although as the company enters its 30th year of business the 30 year milestone will soon also be recognised. On the presentation CEO […]

CEO Rewards Long Service

With a total of 55 years service, several members of the Head office staff were recognised today for their ‘Length of Service’ to Gelder Group. The recipients were from several areas of the business including Insurance, Maintenance, Major Contracts and Accounts. The awards were presented by Steve Gelder CEO, who commented: We have a fantastic […]

Chris Kent Celebrates 15 Years of Service

Chris Kent, Branch Manager of the Lincoln Insurance Department celebrated 15 years of service today and was awarded a certificate, an engraved pen and £100 voucher. Presenting the award was Steve Gelder CEO, who commented during the presentation: Chris is one of our unsung hero’s, he works tirelessly for the company and has built a […]

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