Gelder Group Christmas Deliveries to Framework

December 22, 2023  9:47 am

Framework Housing Association provides a range of support for the homeless, including accommodation, health advice and employment skills. Every year it provides support accommodation for around 3,000 homeless people across Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Sheffield. A further 5,000 people are supported within the community.

Gelder Group was delighted to be able to give the Framework service users a small Christmas gift for all its Lincoln residents.

Gelder Group Director of Operations Louisa Sharpe said:

We are great admirers of the excellent work which Framework does and delighted to make this contribution towards helping their service users to have a merry Christmas.

Framework Head of Fundraising and Communications Claire Eden said:

Christmas can be a very bleak time for people who are homeless. At Framework our staff go out of their way to make it a special occasion for all our service users. Presents mean a lot to people who have very little and the support we receive from individuals and organisations in providing gifts for everyone ensures we can make Christmas special at our services. We really appreciate the seasonal goodwill of the thoughtful staff at the Gelder Group for so generously providing these treats.  Thank you on behalf of Framework for this kindness.


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