The new Gelder Group website.
After months of work and contributions from all areas of the company, we are proud to announce the launch of the new Gelder Group website. The new website has been completely rebuilt to help showcase what we’re working on and what we can do, and also to provide a useful resource for our existing and potential customers.
Amongst its new features, the website has improved security, navigation, structure and search, making it easier to get to the content you’re interested in. The website has also been designed to work across multiple device types, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones. Our IT team assures us that the website has some serious engineering behind it, making it super-fast and very easy to keep up-to-date.
Initial feedback about the new website has been extremely positive, so thanks go to all who contributed, particularly Philip Newborough, our talented Web Developer. If you would like any further information about the new website, or its underlying technologies, please get in touch.